Marketing automation – software that automatically carries out repetitive marketing tasks such as promotional emails, social media posts, website updates, etc. – is often considered as a subset of customer relationship management (CRM). But it is perhaps more than that: marketing automation may have the potential to actually replace CRM in its conventional form.
Die Marketing Automation ist der jüngste CRM-Spross – könnte man meinen. Doch es ist mehr als das: Marketing Automation wird CRM in seiner herkömmlichen Form ablösen, ist also die CRM-Disruption.
Per Definition sind mit Marketing Automation softwarebasierte Methoden gemeint, die Kundendaten, Datenbanken und CRM-Systeme synchronisieren, so dass Kampagnen in der Marketing-Kommunikation effizienter geplant, durchgeführt und ausgewertet werden können.
We emphasised the Internet of Things (IoT) as a driving force of digital transformation in marketing in the previous article of our digital transformation (DT) series. But while IoT projects are undoubtedly important, digital customer relationship management (CRM) may have even more strategic relevance. Customer relationships are increasingly managed digitally as of course are the data streams that result from a functioning CRM program.
Perhaps nothing better exemplifies the pace of Digital Transformation than the Internet of Things (IoT). More and more everyday objects (‘things’) – from heating systems to the humble toothbrush – are being connected to the internet, allowing them to continually collect and transmit data.
Digital transformation is a popular topic, but it manifests itself differently, depending on the industry and sector. Thilo Kölzer sees opportunities to extend or to transform marketing with technologies such as the Internet-of-Things, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.